Instruction On American Heart Association CPR Courses!

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CPR Courses Offered Throughout The Week
We also conduct onsite Corporate CPR training for your employees and members at your office, school, or work place.
The following CPR Courses Available:
- ACLS Initial class
- ACLS Renewal class
- ACLS Skills Session BLS for Healthcare Providers
- BLS for Healthcare Providers Renewal
- BLS for Healthcare Providers Skills Session
- Heartsaver CPR & AED, Heartsaver CPR & AED Skills Session
- Heartsaver CPR AED & First Aid, Family & Friends CPR.
PALS Initial
PALS Renewal
PALS Skills Session
- Implant Bridge in Rancho Santa Margarita
Who Needs CPR?

La-Von P McPhee-Lopez
Introducing La-Von
CEO, CPR Instructor, Certifications Consultant, Critical Care RN
La-Von P McPhee-Lopez is a resourceful and dynamic leader from a family of health professionals, in which her mom is a retired Nurse, while two of her sisters, her niece and daughter are all nurses. Before entering the Nursing profession, La-Von worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nassau Bahamas, where she fine-tuned her famous diplomacy and protocol skills. She owned and operated a very successful child care business in Baltimore, Maryland for several years. Upon moving to Florida, she became an accountant at a major fortune 500 company, after which she left the business arena and transferred to the Health Industry, as she felt it is her calling to help and nurture the sick.
La-Von attended Barry University, in Miami Shores, FL, where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management Information Systems, after which she later earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. In a bid to follow her passion, La-Von pursued her interest in nursing, graduating with honors, from Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL, with an Associates of Science in Nursing. Exhibiting her relentless interest for Nursing, La-Von went ahead and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL.
La-Von is a Board Registered Nurse (RN) licensed in the State of Florida, and certified by the American Heart Institute as a BLS, ACLS, PALS and Heart Saver instructor, hence who better to teach critical care classes than someone who is always in the trenches of life to death situations. Her other notable Licensure & Certifications include: BLS, ACLS,PALS, ENLS, CCRN-CMC (Critical Care RN- Cardiac Medicine Certification), CNRN (Certified Neuroscience RN), SCRN (Stroke Certified RN) , PCCN (Progressive Care Certified Nurse), FACCS ( Fundaments of Critical Care Support) and NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale).
Ms.. McPhee-Lopez is currently working as the e Clinical Educator for the Medical-Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit and Stroke Rehab Unit at a large hospital in the Tampa Bay area. Her duties includes ensuring that the critical care nurses skills are up to date and validated. She is experienced in training, developing and directing staff, and is well known for her preceptor training of new nurses. She also provides lectures and training to assist in the nurses being prepared to take their Med-Surgical, PCCN and CCRN certifications. MS, McPhee-Lopez offers group and individual training to prepare nurses in sitting and passing the following certifications: CCRN, PCCN, CMC, SCRN and Med-Surgical.
Ms. McPhee-Lopez has several years experience as an ICU nurse with specialties in Neurosurgical pathologies and cardiac and still take floor assignments in critical care units. Ms. McPhee-Lopez also assists in providing roving Code Blue exercises throughout the hospital to ensure that all healthcare provider staff remain vigilant and ready to respond to a Code Blue situation in less tan 10 seconds.
She is actively involved in taking care of critical care patients as well as directing and participating in code blues on a frequent basis. As such she brings her very real world and current experience in resuscitating patients to her classes. She has a unique combination of strong nursing skills and strives to provide the best health care possible. She utilizes her strong analytical skills in assessing conditions and implementing appropriate intervention. She is always calm and professional during critical incidents and possess special sensitivity to meeting diverse needs in varied crucial health care situations. She believes in building a long lasting, positive and trusting relationship with patients and customers. Of particular note, she seeks to acquire a comprehensive evaluation of every patient by taking time to listen and understand their peculiar needs. Her desire is to enhance a positive healing or recovery experience and confidence to those in need.
The information provided on this site or in my classes are for educational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for the advice of your doctor. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any conditions.
The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and profiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorhship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials,do not represent income to the AHA.

We also conduct onsite Corporate CPR training for your Employees and members at your office, school, or work place.